Top Packing Essentials for a Freelancer’s Holiday

Top Packing Essentials for a Freelancer's Holiday

Contrary to popular belief, freelancers are known to be workaholics — often out of necessity. After all, Forbes points out that freelancers don’t get paid days off for rest and relaxation, so holidays technically translate to no work, no pay. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to recharge and unwind when you need to, as we all need a break sometimes. All that’s needed is some careful planning and a bit of saving to fund that holiday. To stay stress-free and make sure your planning is going right, you might want to brush up on your packing knowledge. By doing so, you’ll be able to pack everything you’ll ever need for your perfect holiday getaway. The following packing essentials will help:

Travel packing cubes

Packing cubes

The key to effective packing is organisation, so that all your things will fit in your bag, and be easily accessible. One way you can do that is by using packing cubes. Daydreaming in Paradise explains that packing cubes not only help you organise, but save on space too, as you place your things in designated areas much like a Tetris game. You can, for instance, place toiletries in one cube, your chargers in another cube, and some clothes in several other cubes. Aside from this, using packing cubes also lets you visualise how much space you have left, so you can squeeze in all the things you need where possible.

Toiletry kit

Republic World recommends that you make a list of essential things you use on a daily basis, like your facial wash, night cream, and lotion, for instance. These daily use essentials are often packed in what is known as a toiletry kit, whose contents also include all your toiletries, or the personal hygiene products you often use. This container should be big enough to carry all the things you regularly use for good grooming, but not too big that it takes up too much space in your bag. It should also be made of material that makes cleaning liquid easy, as shampoo, facial wash, and lotion can spill during travel.

Packing cats in backpacks

Just enough clothes

In our ‘Packing Light for a Month in India’ post, DigitalNomad editor/author Sea Ansley narrated how he packed fewer clothes for his month-long business-plus-leisure trip to India. He even claims that if you have enough clothes for 7–10 days, you’ll be good to go for an even longer trip. Now, that’s entirely possible. But having said that, it would be better to err on the side of caution here. Meaning, pack enough clothes which you think will last you the entire trip. Account for possible delays, too, as well as the possibility of extending your holiday for a day or two.

Travel first aid kit
Health kit

Health should be of prime concern even when you’re on a holiday. That means you must not forget to pack a health or first aid kit. The post ‘How to Pack a First Aid Kit for Extended International Travel’ advises that you pack your prescription medicines first, and that you make sure they’ll last the entire time you are away. In packing this kit, consider how inconvenient it would be to be looking for a pharmacy just as you want to get some R&R. As such, make sure you bring along basic medications to treat bum stomachs, headaches, fever, allergies, and cold. It is also recommended that you pack insect repellents and topical creams.

For other top packing essentials for freelancers, keep visiting DigitalNomad.Blog. Thank you to Jane Wexler for her contribution.

Author: Jane Wexler

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