Travel Leads The Heart Home
Strolling through a forest in Krakow Halfway through an anticipated six months tenure in the quiet Krakow suburb of Zielonki, future prospects are becoming clearer. Upon regular, deeper reflection, my heart and mind are guiding me in a particular direction. The long term plan is organically evolving, without forcing anything. Travel plans for 2019 are taking shape. Two months, mostly business, back in India, my second ten-day...
Reprogramming Ourselves From The Comforts of Home
Sunset in Zielonki, as painted by Czupur the cat We return to a “normal” rhythm here at DigitalNomad.Blog. My new workmates think I am extraordinary Like one of those things pretty much everybody else in most of the world has: A home, a routine, abundant cuddles. Travel has slowed down. I’ve been building a home and relationships from a warm, comfortable, loving house near Krakow, Poland. Considering that life has...
How to Monetize your Blog with SteemPress
Steemit – Blockchain’s first, and biggest, social network The holy grail of a nomadic blogging career is the point you begin to monetize your blog. We’re happy to report that here at DigitalNomad.Blog, we have started earning our first regular (micro)payments for our quality, original writing. You’ve no doubt been presented with numerous how-to lists about blog monetization, and what you need to do to monetize...
When Relationships Print An Expiry Date
There is a special, chilling kind of silence you can hear, the sound when love is sucked out instantly from a previously warm and amicable situation. It’s the electrical wires, buzzing with heightened intensity. The throbbing of the walls. The coldness in the wind against the windows. Concern and naive, but tender, sympathy from the four eyes of two cats, who, with little else to monitor in their leisurely lives, can sense a...